MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide

ID 683751
Date 3/17/2025
Document Table of Contents

4.2. Verifying Pin Migration Compatibility

You can use the Pin Migration View window in the Quartus® Prime software Pin Planner to assist you in verifying whether your pin assignments migrate to a different device successfully.

You can vertically migrate to a device with a different density while using the same device package, or migrate between packages with different densities and ball counts.

  1. Open Assignments > Pin Planner and create pin assignments.
  2. If necessary, perform one of the following options to populate the Pin Planner with the node names in the design:
    • Analysis & Elaboration
    • Analysis & Synthesis
    • Fully compile the design
  3. Then, on the menu in Pin Planner, click View > Pin Migration Window.
  4. To select or change migration devices:
    1. Click Device to open the Device dialog box.
    2. Click Migration Devices.
  5. To show more information about the pins:
    1. Right-click anywhere in the Pin Migration View window and select Show Columns.
    2. Then, click the pin feature you want to display.
  6. If you want to view only the pins, in at least one migration device, that have a different feature than the corresponding pin in the migration result, turn on Show migration differences.
  7. Click Pin Finder to open the Pin Finder dialog box and find and highlight pins with specific functionality.
    If you want to view only the pins found and highlighted by the most recent query in the Pin Finder dialog box, turn on Show only highlighted pins.
  8. To export the pin migration information to a Comma-Separated Value File (.csv), click Export.