Visible to Intel only — GUID: cqd1738931097451
1. MAX® 10 I/O Overview
2. MAX® 10 I/O Architecture and Features
3. MAX® 10 I/O Design Considerations
4. MAX® 10 I/O Implementation Guides
5. GPIO Lite Intel® FPGA IP References
6. MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide Archives
7. Document Revision History for the MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide Programmable Open Drain Programmable Bus Hold Programmable Pull-Up Resistor Programmable Current Strength Programmable Output Slew Rate Control Programmable IOE Delay PCI Clamp Diode Programmable Pre-Emphasis Programmable Differential Output Voltage Programmable Emulated Differential Output Programmable Dynamic Power Down
3.1. Guidelines: VCCIO Range Considerations
3.2. Guidelines: Voltage-Referenced I/O Standards Restriction
3.3. Guidelines: Enable Clamp Diode for LVTTL/LVCMOS Input Buffers
3.4. Guidelines: Adhere to the LVDS I/O Restrictions Rules
3.5. Guidelines: I/O Restriction Rules
3.6. Guidelines: Placement Restrictions for 1.0 V I/O Pin
3.7. Guidelines: Analog-to-Digital Converter I/O Restriction
3.8. Guidelines: External Memory Interface I/O Restrictions
3.9. Guidelines: Dual-Purpose Configuration Pin
3.10. Guidelines: Clock and Data Input Signal for MAX® 10 E144 Package
3.11. Guidelines: MultiVolt Input for I/O Banks with 3.3 V, 3.0 V, 1.8 V, or 1.5 V VCCIO
3.12. Guidelines: LVTTL/LVCMOS I/O Utilization for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610
Visible to Intel only — GUID: cqd1738931097451
4.3.1. GPIO SSO Estimator Tool for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610 Parameters
The GPIO SSO Estimator Tool for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610 has prefilled and non-editable parameters and parameter settings you must specify for the I/O banks you use.
Parameter | Allowed Values | Description |
Board Thickness |
Specify the board thickness:
I/O Bank |
This parameter is prefilled and not editable. |
Voltage (V) |
Specify the voltage for the I/O bank. |
Drive Strength |
This parameter is prefilled and not editable.
Note: The "fixed" drive strength setting applies only to the 1.0 V LVCMOS I/O standard. This I/O standard does not support the programmable current strength and OCT features.
IO Standard |
Specify the I/O standard for the output. |
Slew Rate |
Specify the slew rate setting for the output. |
Series Termination (Yes/No) |
Specify whether you want to add a 30 Ω on-board series resistor at the receiver side.
Toggling Output IO Counts | — | Specify the I/O counts of simultaneous toggling output you use in the I/O bank.
Note: By default, this setting is disabled. The setting becomes editable after you set valid values for the other parameters.
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