Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1394084726695
Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1394084726695
5.1. GPIO Lite Intel® FPGA IP Parameter Settings
Parameter | Condition | Allowed Values | Description |
Data direction | — |
Specifies the data direction for the GPIO. |
Data width | — | 1 to 128 |
Specifies the data width. |
Parameter | Condition | Allowed Values | Description |
Use true differential buffer | Data direction = input or output |
If turned on, enables true differential I/O buffers and disables pseudo differential I/O buffers. |
Use pseudo differential buffer | Data direction = output or bidir |
Use bus-hold circuitry | Data direction = input or output |
If turned on, the bus hold circuitry can weakly hold the signal on an I/O pin at its last-driven state where the output buffer state is 1 or 0 but not high-impedance. |
Use open drain output | Data direction = output or bidir |
If turned on, the open drain output enables the device to provide system-level control signals such as interrupt and write enable signals that can be asserted by multiple devices in your system. |
Enable oe port | Data direction = output |
If turned on, enables user input to the OE port. This option is automatically turned on for bidirectional mode. |
Enable nsleep port (only available in selected devices) | Data direction = input or bidir |
If turned on, enables the nsleep port. This option is available for the 10M16, 10M25, 10M40, and 10M50 devices. |
Parameter | Condition | Allowed Values | Description |
Register mode | — |
Specifies the register mode for the GPIO Lite IP core:
Enable aclr port |
If turned on, enables the ACLR port for asynchronous clears. |
Enable aset port |
If turned on, enables the ASET port for asynchronous preset. |
Set registers to power up high (when aclr and aset ports are not used) |
If you are not using the ACLR and ASET ports:
Enable inclocken/outclocken ports | Register mode = ddr |
Invert din |
If turned on, inverts the data out output port. |
Invert DDIO inclock |
Use a single register to drive the output enable (oe) signal at the I/O buffer |
If turned on, specifies that a single register drives the OE signal at the output buffer. |
Use DDIO registers to drive the output enable (oe) signal at the I/O buffer |
If turned on, specifies that the DDR I/O registers drive the OE signal at the output buffer. The output pin is held at high impedance for an extra half clock cycle after the OE port goes high. |
Implement DDIO input registers in hard implementation (Only available in certain devices) |
This option is applicable only for MAX® 10 16, 25, 40, and 50 devices because the DDIO input registers hard block is available only in these devices. To avoid Fitter error, turn this option off for other MAX® 10 devices. |