Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1399626054073
1. MAX® 10 I/O Overview
2. MAX® 10 I/O Architecture and Features
3. MAX® 10 I/O Design Considerations
4. MAX® 10 I/O Implementation Guides
5. GPIO Lite Intel® FPGA IP References
6. MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide Archives
7. Document Revision History for the MAX® 10 General Purpose I/O User Guide Programmable Open Drain Programmable Bus Hold Programmable Pull-Up Resistor Programmable Current Strength Programmable Output Slew Rate Control Programmable IOE Delay PCI Clamp Diode Programmable Pre-Emphasis Programmable Differential Output Voltage Programmable Emulated Differential Output Programmable Dynamic Power Down
3.1. Guidelines: VCCIO Range Considerations
3.2. Guidelines: Voltage-Referenced I/O Standards Restriction
3.3. Guidelines: Enable Clamp Diode for LVTTL/LVCMOS Input Buffers
3.4. Guidelines: Adhere to the LVDS I/O Restrictions Rules
3.5. Guidelines: I/O Restriction Rules
3.6. Guidelines: Placement Restrictions for 1.0 V I/O Pin
3.7. Guidelines: Analog-to-Digital Converter I/O Restriction
3.8. Guidelines: External Memory Interface I/O Restrictions
3.9. Guidelines: Dual-Purpose Configuration Pin
3.10. Guidelines: Clock and Data Input Signal for MAX® 10 E144 Package
3.11. Guidelines: MultiVolt Input for I/O Banks with 3.3 V, 3.0 V, 1.8 V, or 1.5 V VCCIO
3.12. Guidelines: LVTTL/LVCMOS I/O Utilization for MAX® 10 FPGA Package B610
Visible to Intel only — GUID: sam1399626054073
Ixiasoft DDR Input Path
The pad sends data to the input buffer and the input buffer feeds the delay element. From the delay element, the data is fed to the DDIO stage, which consists of three registers:
- RegAi samples the data from pad_in at the positive clock edge.
- RegBi samples the data from pad_in at the negative clock edge.
- RegCi samples the data from RegAi at the negative clock edge.
Figure 15. Simplified View of GPIO Lite IP Core DDR Input Path
Figure 16. GPIO Lite IP Core Input Path Timing Diagram