Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Specifying Simulation File Generation Settings

Before generating simulation files using the Qrun flow, you specify your supported simulator and other options for simulation file generation. These setting impact the generation of simulation files when generating HDL for IP in your project.
To specify simulation file generation settings, follow these steps:
  1. In the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, click Assignments > Settings > Board and IP Settings. The Board and IP Settings dialog box appears.
  2. Under IP Simulation, turn on Generate IP simulation model when generating IP. Turning on this option enables the remaining settings.
  3. For Select simulator specific simulation flow, make sure Qrun is selected to enable the Qrun flow. The alternative setting runs the Traditional flow.
    Figure 90. Board and IP Settings Page of Settings Dialog Box

  4. To specify one or more specific simulators for which to generate simulation files, enable the checkbox for those simulators. To enable generation for all supported simulators, leave all checkboxes disabled (default setting).

To generate the simulation model and simulator setup scripts for your Platform Designer system or IP component in batch mode, use this command:

ip-make-simscript [args] --modelsim_flow=QRUN

Type ip-make-simscript -help for all available arguments ([args]).