Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 7/08/2024

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Document Table of Contents Error Adapter

The error adapter ensures that per-bit-error information provided by the source interface is correctly connected to the sink interface’s input error signal. Error conditions that both source and sink can process are connected. If the source has an error signal representing an error condition that is not supported by the sink, the signal is left unconnected; the adapter provides a simulation error message and an error indication if the error is asserted. If the sink has an error condition that is not supported by the source, the sink's input error bit corresponding to that condition is set to 0.
Note: The output interface error signal descriptor accepts an error set with an other descriptor. Platform Designer assigns the bit-wise ORing of all input error bits that are unmatched, to the output interface error bits set with the other descriptor.