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Document Table of Contents

2.5.1. Main Tab

The Main tab presents general settings and parameters, and operating system settings, for the BSP. The BSP includes the following settings and parameters:
Figure 126. BSP Editor Main Tab
  • The path to the .qsys or .sopcinfo file specifying the target hardware
  • The CPU name
  • The operating system and version
Note: You cannot change the operating system in an existing BSP. You must create a new BSP if you want to change the operating system.
  • The BSP target directory—the destination for files that the BSP Editor copies and creates for your BSP
  • BSP settings

The BSP settings appear in a tree structure. The settings are organized into Common and Advanced categories. Settings are further organized into functional groups. The available settings depend on the operating system.

When you select a group of settings, the controls for those settings appear in the pane to the right of the tree. When you select a single setting, the pane shows the setting control, the full setting name, and the setting description.