Visible to Intel only — GUID: bzx1468318525167
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bzx1468318525167
6.1. System Console GUI Upper Pane for the Drive-On-Chip Design Example
Trace Setup Tab
On the Trace Setup tab setup select:
- The waveform tracing by specifying a trigger
- Axis to trace
- Trace depth
- A filename to store the trace data.
Click Update Trigger after making any changes. Click Start Trace to start tracing. See the Waveform tab for trace display. When saving trace data to a file, be aware that the design overwrites the file with each trace; it does not append new traces to an existing file.

Current Control Tab
On the Current Control tab, enter the P (Kp) and I (Ki) coefficients for the current control loop. These quantities are preset to the correct values for the motor type configured in the application software. Click Update Parameters after making a change.

Speed Control Tab
On the Speed Control tab, enter the P (Speed Kp) and I (Speed Ki) coefficients for the speed control loop. These quantities are preset to the correct values for the motor type configured in the application software. Click Update Parameters after making a change.

Position Control Tab
On the Position Control tab, enter the P (Position Kp) coefficient for the position control loop. This quantity is preset to the correct values for the motor type configured in the application software. Click Update Parameters after making a change.

Sensorless Control Tab
On the Sensorless Control tab, enter the Hys Gain (Hysteresis control gain), Damp Coeff (damping coefficient), natural freq (natural frequency) and Hys Thld (Hysteresis threshold) values for the sensorless control loop. These quantities are preset to the correct values for the motor type configured in the application software. Click Update Parameters after making a change. Modifying these four control parameters may cause the system to become unstable. For example, the motor speed may oscillate or accelerate to a much higher value than the command.

DC-DC Status and Control Tab
The DC-DC Status and Control tab allows you to adjust the target voltage of the DC-DC converter on the Tandem Motion- Power 48 V Board. The converter runs with a DC Link Voltage of 48 V, if it is powered by a rechargeable battery and you turn on regeneration. If the motors suddenly stop, the energy regenerated from the motors’ kinetic energy transfers to the battery. However, if a battery is not connected or a battery is connected but you turn off regeneration and the motors stop suddenly, the regenerated energy might cause the DC Link voltage to rise suddenly and damage components on the board. Therefore the default voltage of the DC Link is 32 V to leave some margin for regeneration.