Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer: User Guide

ID 683448
Date 4/19/2023

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Document Table of Contents

1.3. Program and File Types

Executable Files

The Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer includes the following executable files:

Table 1.   Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Executable Files
Executable Description
adv_link_analyzer.exe Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer’s main user interface
adv_link_analyzer_sim_eng.exe Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer simulation engine
adv_link_analyzer_sim_eng_console.exe Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer simulation engine (console version)
adv_link_analyzer_data_viewer.exe The Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Data Viewer displays simulation results.
adv_link_analyzer_channel_viewer.exe The Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Channel Viewer displays channel characteristics.
adv_link_analyzer_batch_sim.exe The Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Batch Simulation Controller runs simulations in batch mode.
adv_link_analyzer_channel_designer.exe Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer’s channel designer that generate S-parameter channel models for link simulations.

File Extensions

Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer uses the following file extensions:

Table 2.   Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer File Extensions
File Extension Description
.jne Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer simulation configuration
.jneschm Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer simulation schematic configuration
.jnetxdata, .jnerxdata, .jnedevdata, .jneledata, and others Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer internal data

Sharing an Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer Project

There are two ways to share an Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer project:

  • Project Archiver/Project Unarchiver method: Project Archiver and Project Unarchiver are GUI-based functions that collect and package channel model files, device model files (if applicable), and link settings in a single data file for sharing. See Archiving and Unarchiving Projects for details.
  • Manual method: Both .jne and .jneschm files are needed for other users to reload the link configuration in their Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer session. Ensure all other associated files, such as channel and device model files, are available or included so that simulations can run correctly.

Intel® Advanced Link Analyzer provides limited backward compatibility with link configuration files saved in previous versions.