Avalon Verification IP Suite: User Guide

ID 683439
Date 2/17/2022
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7.2. Avalon-MM Monitor Assertion Checking API

Assertion checking uses the enable_waitrequest_timeout method to verify that waitrequest is asserted for fewer cycles than the waitrequest timeout period. If the timeout period is violated, an error message displays on the simulation console. Error flags are also displayed in the waveform viewer.

By default all assertions are enabled. However, depending on the parameterization of the Avalon-MM interface, some assertions are automatically disabled. For example, you might have to turn off some assertion checking to avoid the monitors generating error messages when injecting protocol errors. Protocol errors are typically injected to test the Avalon-MM component’s error handling capability.

The names of all methods that enable assertions begin with set_enable_a. By default, if your testbench includes the Avalon-MM monitor, the checking function is enabled. You can disable checking with the DISABLE_ALTERA_AVALON_SIM_SVA macro.