Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Partial Reconfiguration Intel® FPGA IP

ID 683404
Date 4/18/2019

1.8. Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Parameters

IP Core Option Value Default Description

Use as PR internal host

On or Off


Turn on this option to use the PR IP core as an internal host. Both prblock and crcblock WYSIWYG atom primitives are auto-instantiated as part of your design. Disable this option to use the PR IP core as an external host in an external device. You must connect additional interface signals to the dedicated PR pins if you use the PR IP core as an external host.

Enable JTAG debug mode

On or Off


To perform partial reconfiguration turn on this option to access the PR IP core with the Programmer.

Enable Avalon-MM slave interface

On or Off


Turn on this option to use the Avalon Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) slave interface.

Enable interrupt interface

On or Off


Enable this option to use the interrupt interface.

You can only enable this interface if you turned on the Enable Avalon-MM slave interface parameter.

Enable bitstream compatibility check

On or Off


Turn on this option to check the bitstream compatibility during PR operations for external host. The bitstream compatibility check feature is always enabled for PR internal host. Specify the PR bitstream ID value if you enable this option for PR external host.

PR bitstream ID

-2147483648 to 2147483647


Specifies a signed 32-bit integer value of the PR bitstream ID for external host. This value must match the PR bitstream ID generated during compilation for the target PR design. You can find the PR bitstream ID value of the target PR design in the Assembler compilation report (.asm.rpt).

Input data width

1, 8, 16, or 32


Specifies the data width in bits. This option affects the data[] bus width.

Target device family for partial reconfiguration

Cyclone V, Stratix® V

" Stratix® V"

Select the target device family for partial reconfiguration when you use the PR IP core as external host.
Note: This option is ignored for PR internal host.

Clock-to-Data ratio

Cyclone V or Stratix® V:1, 2, or 4


Specifies the ratio between PR clock and PR data.


Divide error detection frequency by

1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, or 256


Only available when you use the IP core as an internal host. The crcblock WYSIWYG atom primitive is auto-instantiated as part of the design.

Specifies the divide value of the internal clock, which determines the frequency of the error detection cyclic redundancy check (CRC). The divide value must be a power of two. Refer to the device handbook to find the frequency of the internal clock for the selected device.

Auto-instantiate CRC block

On or Off


This option is only applicable for an internal host. Disable this option to manually instantiate a CRC block.

Auto-instantiate PR block

On or Off


This option is only applicable for an internal host. Disable this option to manually instantiate a PR block.

Enable enhanced decompression

On or Off


Enable this option is to use the enhanced decompressor. Decompress bitstreams that are compressed with the enhanced compression algorithm.