Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000-N/2

ID 683362
Date 11/01/2021
Document Table of Contents

4.1. Install the Release Package

Before installing the release package, ensure that the Intel® FPGA PAC N3000-N/2 is installed properly as mentioned in the Hardware Installation.
Note: The Acceleration Stack 1.3.1 version only supports 25G Ethernet configuration.

The installers for Intel® FPGA PAC N3000-N/2 provide easy installation of the release package. If you plan to perform FPGA development and compile FPGA RTL code, select the development (dev) installer. If you plan to develop or run server applications, select the runtime (rte) installer. Refer to the following table to understand differences between each installer:

Details Acceleration Stack for Runtime Acceleration Stack for Development
runtime (rte) installer development (dev) installer1
Purpose Provides necessary environment to execute the AFUs as well as allows for software development of host application. Provides necessary environment to execute the AFUs as well as allows for software development of host application. Additionally, it also includes development environment for Intel® Arria® 10 GT FPGA.
OPAE Software Development Kit (SDK) Version 1.3.7-5
Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Not included or required Included: Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software version 19.2 with IP licenses required to create a programmable Intel® Arria® 10 GT FPGA image.
Default installation location /home/<username>/intelrtestack /home/<username>/inteldevstack
1 The dev installer file size is about 8.5 GB.