Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000-N/2

ID 683362
Date 11/01/2021
Document Table of Contents

9. Sample Test: Native Loopback

This section describes how to run a memory copy test using the Intel provided FPGA factory image and hello_fpga.c host program. The FPGA factory image includes logic to support this test and an internal register with the expected AFU UUID. The hello_fpga.c only works with an FPGA image with this AFU UUID. The acceleration logic (NLB) in the FPGA is programmed to copy CSR_NUM_LINES (cache lines) from source to destination buffer on the host system. For more information refer to the Native Loopback Accelerator Functional Unit (AFU) User Guide for Intel FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000.

Make sure the hugepage is allocated:
  • For CentOS:
    $ sudo sh -c "echo 20 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/\
  • For RHEL:
    # echo 20 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
Note: Commands must be run as root.
$	cd /home/<user>/intelrtestack/sw_sample
$	gcc -o hello_fpga -std=gnu99 -rdynamic -ljson-c -luuid -lpthread \
-lopae-c -lm -Wl,-rpath -lopae-c hello_fpga.c
$	sudo ./hello_fpga
Sample output:
Running Test
Running on bus 0x8a.
dfh = 100000008000001f
id[0] = c000c9660d824272
id[1] = 9aeffe5f84570612
dfh = 2000000080000000
id[0] = a9149a35bace01ea
id[1] = ef82def7f6ec40fc
dfh = 2000000080000000
id[0] = a9149a35bace01ea
id[1] = ef82def7f6ec40fc
dfh = 2000000080000000
id[0] = a9149a35bace01ea
id[1] = ef82def7f6ec40fc
dfh = 2000000080000000
id[0] = a9149a35bace01ea
id[1] = ef82def7f6ec40fc
dfh = 1000010080001070
id[0] = f89e433683f9040b
id[1] = d8424dc4a4a3c413
Found NLB0 at offset 0x28000
Done Running Test
Note: On a multi card system, pass PCIe bus argument -B 0x<xx>