Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000-N/2

ID 683362
Date 11/01/2021
Document Table of Contents

14. Document Revision History for Intel Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA PAC N3000-N/2

Document Version Intel Acceleration Stack Version Changes
2021.11.01 1.3.1 Added a note about the RSU functionality in section: Installing the Intel® FPGA PAC N3000-N/2 .
2021.05.21 1.3.1 Updated steps in section: For RHEL.
2021.01.20 1.3.1 Corrected steps in the following sections:
  • For RHEL
  • Download kernel 4.19
  • Build and Install kernel 4.19
  • Install the Acceleration Stack for Development
2020.11.16 1.3.1 Corrected the Intel® MAX® 10 NIOS Firmware (FW) version for Intel® FPGA PAC N3000 (BD-NVV-N3000-2) in section: Identify the Intel® MAX® 10 BMC Version.
2020.09.28 1.3.1 The Intel Acceleration Stack v1.3.1 also supports the following variant of the Intel® FPGA PAC N3000:
  • BD-NVV-N3000-2
2020.09.08 1.3.1 Updated the following sections:
  • System Requirements
  • Install the Release Package
  • Intel XL710 Driver Installation and Firmware Update
Added a new section:
  • Testing Network Loopback Using Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK)
2020.06.15 1.3 Initial release.