Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000-N/2

ID 683362
Date 11/01/2021
Document Table of Contents

4.1.2. Install the Acceleration Stack for Runtime

Based on your server operating system (OS), select the appropriate runtime (rte) installer file:
Server OS Acceleration Stack Runtime Installer Follow Instructions
RHEL 8.2 kernel 4.18 n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_RHEL_installer.tar.gz For RHEL
CentOS 7.6 kernel 4.19 n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_centos_installer.tar.gz For CentOS

For information about the latest OS support, refer to the Getting Started page.