Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000-N/2

ID 683362
Date 11/01/2021
Document Table of Contents For RHEL

  1. Unpack the runtime (rte) installer files for RHEL:
    $ tar xvfz n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_RHEL_installer.tar.gz 
    $ cd n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_RHEL_installer
    It consists of:
  2. The script automatically installs dependent packages. The following commands enable required repos for dependent package installation. Failure to enable these repos results in installation errors.
    Note: You must run the remaining steps in this section as root.
    # subscription-manager repos --enable codeready-builder-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
    # dnf install
  3. Enable RHEL for Real Time (RT) repository and install Real Time group:
    #  subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-8-for-x86_64-rt-rpms
    # dnf --releasever=8.2 --disablerepo=epel* groupinstall RT
  4. When the RHEL for RT kernel is installed, it is automatically set to be the default kernel and is used on the next boot. To verify that the RT kernel is the default kernel:
    # grubby --default-kernel
    Sample output:

    The above output, rt indicates that the RT kernel is the default kernel. A reboot is required to ensure the change to RT Kernel.

  5. Run the OPAE install script to install the OPAE driver, OPAE tools and any package dependencies:
    # ./ -y --owner <user[:group]>
    Sample output:
    Running setup
    Beginning installation
    Processing group "OPAE Software"
    Analyzing dependencies...
    Installing OPAE Software dependencies
    Analyzing packages to install...
    	Installing OPAE Software packages...
    Processing group "OPAE PACSign"
    Analyzing dependencies...
    Analyzing packages to install...
    	Installing OPAE PACSign packages...
    Extracting opae-1.3.7-5.tar.gz
    Extracting opae.admin-1.0.3.tar.gz
    Extracting opae.pac_sign-1.0.4.tar.gz
    Source /root/intelrtestack/bin/ to setup your environment.
    Changing ownership on /root/intelrtestack
    Installation done
    see /tmp/opae_install_2020-08-09_16_43_56.log for details
    • --owner allows you to change the ownership of installation directories to a specified user. Not listing owner results in use of default setting which is root.
    • -y option is required because interactive operation where the user is asked for specific settings rather defaults is not supported.
    • -v option provides verbose output and is useful for debugging install issues.
    • -h option lists all script options.