Intel® Acceleration Stack User Guide: Intel® FPGA Programmable Acceleration Card N3000-N/2

ID 683362
Date 11/01/2021
Document Table of Contents Download kernel 4.19

  1. Install the required Linux packages:
    $ sudo yum install -y ncurses-devel bison flex elfutils-libelf-devel openssl-devel patch epel-release
  2. Unpack the runtime (rte) installer files for CentOS:
    $ tar xvfz n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_centos_installer.tar.gz 
    $ cd n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_centos_installer
    It consists of:
    • n3000-1.3.8-3-rte-el7-setup.shOPAE installer script.
    • config_4.19_opae—This file configures the kernel build and install process.
    • N3000_supplemental_files/—This script finds the PCIe root port.
    • N3000_supplemental_files/hello_fpga.c—This is a simple example application.
  3. Download the kernel 4.19 source and real time patch from the following:
  4. Copy the downloaded kernel and patch to your n3000_ias_1_3_1_pv_rte_centos_installer directory:
    $ cp ~/Downloads/linux-4.19.106.tar.gz .
    $ cp  ~/Downloads/patch-4.19.106-rt45.patch.gz .
  5. Unpack the Linux kernel:
    $ tar xvfz linux-4.19.106.tar.gz
    $ cd linux-4.19.106/
  6. Apply the real time patch to the kernel source with the following command:
    $ zcat ../patch-4.19.106-rt45.patch.gz | patch -p1