DSP Builder for Intel® FPGAs (Advanced Blockset): Handbook

ID 683337
Date 6/20/2022

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Document Table of Contents Linking to External Libraries

For designs with signals no wider than 64-bits (this includes internal signals), the generated software models require no external libraries. When the model has signals greater than 64-bits, DSP Builder uses arbitrary precision types from the MPIR and MPFR libraries. DSP Builder includes prebuilt MPIR and MPFR libraries that it links to when compiling the testbenches unless you provide alternatives. To provide your own MPIR or MPFR builds:


Set the MPIR_INC_PATH, MPIR_LIB_PATH, MPFR_INC_PATH, MPFR_LIB_PATH options when running CMake configuration. Build instructions and prebuilt binaries are on the MPFR or MPIR websites.

Example CMake commands sequences to specify custom MPIR and MPFR builds:


cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64” -DWRITE_STM_FILES=1 -DMPIR_INC_PATH="C:\path\to\mpir\3.0.0\win64-vc14\include" -DMPIR_LIB_PATH="C:\path\to\mpir\3.0.0\win64-vc14\lib\release" -DMPFR_INC_PATH="C:\path\to\mpfr\4.0.1\win64-vc14\include" -DMPFR_LIB_PATH="C:\path\to\mpfr\4.0.1\win64-vc14\lib\release" ../


export CC=/path/to/gcc/6.3.0/1/linux64/bin/gcc
export CXX=/path/to/gcc/6.3.0/1/linux64/bin/g++
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles” -DWRITE_STM_FILES=1 -DMPIR_INC_PATH="path/to/mpir/3.0.0/linux64-gc63/include" -DMPIR_LIB_PATH="path/to/mpir/3.0.0/linux64-gc63/lib/release" -DMPFR_INC_PATH="path/to/mpfr/4.0.1/linux64-gc63/include" -DMPFR_LIB_PATH="path/to/mpfr/4.0.1/linux64-gc63/lib/release" ../