Visible to Intel only — GUID: gnc1641547663100
Visible to Intel only — GUID: gnc1641547663100
33.5. Test Pattern Generator IP Software API
Register definition header file: intel_vvp_tpg_regs.h
Include file: intel_vvp_tpg.h
Name | Description |
intel_vvp_tpg_init | Initialize the TPG instance |
Intel_vvp_core_* | .Accessors defined in Video and Vision Processing IPs Software Programming Model . Writable when Lite is on. Readable when Lite is off and Debug features is on. |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_lite_mode | Returns if Lite mode is on |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_debug_enabled | Returns if Lite mode is on |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_num_patterns | Returns the number of patterns available |
intel_vvp_tpg_ctrl_in_enabled | Returns if the control input is enabled |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_bits_per_sample | Returns the number of bits in a color sample |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_pixels_in_parallel | Returns the number of pixels processed in parallel per clock cycle |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_pattern_data | Returns pattern type and subsampling |
intel_vvp_tpg_is_running | Returns if the IP is producing data |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_commit_status | Returns if there are uncommitted writes |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_status | Reads the status register |
intel_vvp_tpg_enable | Starts/stops the IP |
intel_vvp_tpg_start | Start the IP |
intel_vvp_tpg_stop | Stops the IP |
intel_vvp_tpg_is_enabled | Returns if the IP is currently enabled |
intel_vvp_tpg_set_pattern | Select the current output pattern |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_pattern | Query the current output pattern |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_fields_since_sequence_reset | Returns the number of output fields generated since the sequence started |
intel_vvp_tpg_set_pre_field_ctrl_pkts | Number of packets from the control input to insert before each frame |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_pre_field_ctrl_pkts | Returns the number of control packets to insert before each frame |
intel_vvp_tpg_set_post_field_ctrl_pkts | Number of packets from the control input to insert after each frame |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_post_field_ctrl_pkts | Returns the number of control packets to insert after each frame |
intel_vvp_tpg_set_bars_type | Selects a type of color bars for the bar pattern |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_bars_type | Returns the current type of color bars |
intel_vvp_tpg_set_colors | Selects the color for the uniform pattern |
intel_vvp_tpg_get_colors | Returns the current uniform color |
intel_vvp_tpg_commit_writes | Commit all outstanding writes |
enum eIntelVvpTpgPatternType
- Members
kIntelVvpTpgBarsPattern – Bar pattern
kIntelVvpTpgUniformPattern – Uniform pattern
kIntelVvpTpgPathologicalPattern – Pattern that stresses SDI receiving equipment
kIntelVvpTpgInvalidPattern – Invalid pattern (used to indicate errors)
- Description
Enumeration for the supported pattern types
enum eIntelVvpTpgPatternColor
- Members
kIntelVvpTpgRgb – RGB 4:4:4
kIntelVvpTpgYcc444 – YCbCr/YUV 4:4:4
kIntelVvpTpgYcc422 – YCbCr/YUV 4:2:2
kIntelVvpTpgYcc420 – YCbCr/YUV 4:2:0
kIntelVvpTpgMono – Monochrome
kIntelVvpTpgInvalidColor – Invalid colorspace/subsampling (used to indicate errors)
- Description
Enumeration for the supported color spaces and subsampling
enum eIntelVvpTpgBarsType
- Members
kIntelVvpTpgColorBars – Standard color bars
kIntelVvpTpgGreyBars – Grey bars
kIntelVvpTpgBlackWhiteBars– Alternating black and white bars
kIntelVvpTpgInvalidBars – Invalid bar pattern (used to indicate errors)
- Description
Enumeration for the supported color bar patterns
struct intel_vvp_tpg_pattern
- Members
eIntelVvpTpgPatternType type – the configured type for the pattern
eIntelVvpTpgPatternColor color – The configured color space for the pattern
- Description
Structure used to return the compile-time configuration for a given test pattern
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_init(intel_vvp_tpg_instance *instance, intel_vvp_core_base base);
- Description
Initializes a TPG instance. The initialization stops early if the vendor ID or product ID read at the base address are not a match or if the register map version is not supported. Otherwise, the function proceeds to read and store the IP compile-time parameterization. The instance does not fully initialized and should not be used further by the application if returning a non-zero error code.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
base – base address of the register map
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, a negative error code in case of error
kIntelVvpCoreVidErr if the vendor id of the core is not the IntelFPGA vendor ID (0x6AF7).
kIntelVvpCorePidErr if the product_id does not match with the TPG product ID
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is a null pointer
kIntelVvpTpgRegMapVersionErr if the register map is not supported
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_tpg_get_lite_mode(intel_vvp_tpg_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the LITE_MODE register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
true if the IP is parameterized in lite mode
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_get_debug_enabled(intel_vvp_tpg_instance *instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the DEBUG_ENABLED register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
true if the IP is parameterized with debug features enabled
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_num_patterns(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the NUM_PATTERNS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The number of patterns available
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_tpg_ctrl_in_enabled(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the CTRL_IN_ENABLED register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
true if the IP is configured with a control input to insert control packets before and after each output fields
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_bits_per_sample(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the BPS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The compile-time bps parameter
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_pixels_in_parallel(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the value of the PIP register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The compile-time pixels in parallel parameter. This is the number of pixels generated per clock cycle.
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_get_pattern_data(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, uint8_t pattern, intel_vvp_tpg_pattern* pattern_data);
- Description
Returns the pattern configuration for a given pattern. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized. The selected pattern must be valid and pattern_data must point to a valid memory location to store the result.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
pattern – a valid pattern in the range [0..intel_vvp_get_num_patterns(instance)-1]
pattern_data – valid memory location for a intel_vvp_tpg_pattern structure
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of succes, a negative error code in case of error
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is null
kIntelVvpTpgPatternNumErr if the pattern is out-of-range
kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr if pattern_data is null
Upon successful return, pattern_data is filled with the configuration for the selected pattern. This includes the pattern type (eIntelVvpTpgPatternType) and the colorspace/subsampling (eIntelVvpTpgPatternColor)
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_tpg_is_running(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the running bit of the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
True is the TPG is currently generating an output field, false when disabled and/or between two fields
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_tpg_get_commit_status(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the commit pending bit of the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized and configured in full mode.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
True is the TPG is configured in full mode and if the agent interface contains uncommitted writes.
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_status(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the STATUS register. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
The value read from the status register
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_enable(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, bool enable);
- Description
Starts the TPG IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
enable – true to start the IP and generate fields, false to stop/pause the IP after the current field
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, otherwise negative error code. kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is null
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_start(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Starts the TPG IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized. An alias for intel_vvp_tpg_enable(instance, true)
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, negative error code otherwise. kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is null
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_stop(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Stops the TPG IP. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized. An alias for intel_vvp_tpg_enable(instance, false)
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, negative error code otherwise. kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is null
- Prototype
bool intel_vvp_tpg_is_enabled(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns if the TPG IP is started or paused. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized. The state cannot be checked if debug is not enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
true is the IP is enabled and in debug mode, false otherwise
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_set_pattern(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, uint8_t pattern);
- Description
Select/change the output test pattern. intel_vvp_tpg_instance must be valid and fully initialized. The pattern must be valid.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
pattern – A valid pattern configured at compile-time in the range [0..intel_vvp_get_num_patterns(instance)-1]
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) in case of success, negative error code otherwise. kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is null
kIntelVvpTpgPatternNumErr if the pattern is out of range
- Prototype
uint8_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_pattern(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Returns the selected test pattern. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized. The pattern cannot be retrieved if debug is not enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
Currently selected pattern or error code 255 if the instance is invalid or debug disabled
- Prototype
uint32_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_fields_since_sequence_reset(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance)
- Description
Read and returns the FIELD_COUNT register. The field counter is automatically reset when the pattern changes or the image specifications change (after a write to the image info area). The value may remain undefined after a reset until the first field of the new sequence is sent.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the field counter value
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_set_pre_field_ctrl_pkts(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, uint32_t pkt_count);
- Description
Sets the number of control packets to read and propagate from the ctrl_in input interface before each output field is generated and sent. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized, configured in full mode and the input control interface enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
pkt_count – Number of control packets to propagate before each output field
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise
- Prototype
uint32_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_pre_field_ctrl_pkts(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the number of control packets to read and propagate from the ctrl_in input interface before each output field is generated and sent. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized, configured in full mode with debug enabled and the input control interface enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
Number of control packets to propagate before each output field, 0 is returned if the instance does not support the feature or if debug is disabled
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_set_post_field_ctrl_pkts(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, uint32_t pkt_count);
- Description
Sets the number of control packets to read and propagate from the ctrl_in input interface after each output field is generated and sent. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized, configured in full mode and the input control interface enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
pkt_count – Number of control packets to propagate after each output field
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise.
- Prototype
uint32_t intel_vvp_tpg_get_post_field_ctrl_pkts(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance);
- Description
Reads and returns the number of control packets to read and propagate from the ctrl_in input interface after each output field is generated and sent. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance fully initialized, configured in full mode with debug enabled and the input control interface enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
Number of control packets to propagate after each output field, 0 is returned if the instance does not support the feature or if debug is disabled
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_set_bars_type(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, eIntelVvpTpgBarsType bar_type);
- Description
Selects the type of color bars (black/white, grey, color) for patterns of type kIntelVvpTpgBarsPattern
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
bar_type – the type of color bars
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise.
- Prototype
eIntelVvpTpgBarsType intel_vvp_tpg_set_bars_type(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance)
- Description
Read and returns the selected bar type for patterns of type kIntelVvpTpgBarsPattern. Instance must be valid and debug enabled
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
the selected bar type, kIntelVvpTpgInvalidBars in case of error
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_set_colors (intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2, uint16_t color3);
- Description
Selects the uniform color for patterns of type kIntelVvpTpgUniformPattern
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
color1, color2, color3 – the three new color sample values for the uniform pattern
The color samples must be in the range [0 .. (1 << intel_vvp_tpg_get_bits_per_sample(instance)) – 1]
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise.
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr if the instance is invalid
kIntelVvpTpgC1Err/ kIntelVvpTpgC2Err/ kIntelVvpTpgC3Err if the color sample is out-of-range
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_get_colors(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance, uint16_t* color1, uint16_t* color2, uint16_t* color3)
- Description
Reads and returns the selected color sample values for pattern of type kIntelVvpTpgUniformPattern. The instance must be a valid intel_vvp_tpg_instance with debug enabled. The three points that return values must point to valid memory locations containing uint16_t variables
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
color1, color2, color3 – three memory locations to store the returned color sample values
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk in case of success, negative error code otherwise.
kIntelVvpCoreInstanceErr, invalid instance (null pointer or debug disabled)
kIntelVvpCoreNullPtrErr, one of the uint16_t pointer is the null pointer
- Prototype
int intel_vvp_tpg_commit_writes(intel_vvp_tpg_instance* instance)
- Description
Commits all pending writes before starting the next output field. The instance must be valid and parameterized in full mode.
- Arguments
instance – pointer to the intel_vvp_tpg_instance software driver instance structure
- Returns
kIntelVvpCoreOk (0) for success, negative error code otherwise.