Visible to Intel only — GUID: lro1453861378503
Visible to Intel only — GUID: lro1453861378503
7.3. System Memory Map
The addresses of the HPS hard IP modules are accessible through the provided SoCAL macros. SoCAL also provides macros for accessing the individual registers and register fields of the HPS hard IP modules.
For the FPGA IP modules, the macros for accessing IP registers and register fields are usually part of the IP deliverables. However, the actual IP modules-based addresses are often changed at system integration time, in the Platform Designer (Standard) tool.
The basic usage of the tool is to invoke it with the .sopcinfo file as a single parameter. For example, in order to generate the include files for the Arria® 10 SoC GHRD, the following command can be executed in that folder: sopc-create-header-files ghrd_10as066n2.sopcinfo.
The tool creates a separate include file for each of the masters in the system, showing the system addresses from that master's point of view. Use the file <hps_component_name>_a9_0.h for HPS software development, as it shows the system addresses from the HPS point of view.
sopc-create-header-files ghrd_10as066n2.sopcinfo --module\ arria10_hps_0_arm_a9_0 --single arria10_hps_0_arm_a9_0.h
This creates just one file, called arria10_hps_0_arm_a9_0.h.
You can also run sopc-create-header-files --help for more details about the tool, or refer to the Quartus® Prime Standard Edition documentation.