25G Ethernet Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683154
Date 9/15/2021

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6.4. Transceiver Reconfiguration Signals

You access the transceiver control and status registers using the transceiver reconfiguration interface. This is an Avalon® memory-mapped interface.

The Avalon® memory-mapped interface implements a standard memory-mapped protocol. You can connect an Avalon® master to this bus to access the registers of the embedded Transceiver PHY IP core.

Table 18.  Reconfiguration Interface Ports with Shared Native PHY Reconfiguration InterfaceAll interface signals are clocked by the reconfig_clk clock.
Port Name Direction Description
reconfig_clk Input Avalon® clock. The clock frequency is 100-125 MHz. All signals transceiver reconfiguration interface signals are synchronous to reconfig_clk .
reconfig_reset Input Resets the Avalon® memory-mapped interface and all of the registers to which it provides access.
reconfig_write Input Write enable signal. Signal is active high.
reconfig_read Input Read enable signal. Signal is active high.
reconfig_address[10 :0] Input

Address bus.

reconfig_writedata[31:0] Input A 32-bit data write bus. reconfig_address specifies the address.
reconfig_readdata[31:0] Output A 32-bit data read bus. Drives read data from the specified address. Signal is valid after reconfig_waitrequest is deasserted.
reconfig_waitrequest Output Indicates the Avalon® memory-mapped interface is busy. Keep the reconfig_write or reconfig_read asserted until reconfig_waitrequest is deasserted.