25G Ethernet Intel® Stratix® 10 FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683154
Date 9/15/2021

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7.4. Pause/PFC Flow Control Registers

Some of the registers in this table cannot be updated during normal operation. To ensure correct operation, perform a soft reset by writing Bit[0] of the PHY_CONFIG (0x310) after updating registers that cannot be changed dynamically.
Table 28.  TX Flow Control Registers
Addr Bit Name Description Reset Access
0x600 31:0 TX Flow Control Revision ID

Specifies the revision ID, "25GEFCTx CSR".


0x601 31:0 TX Flow Control Scratch Pad Scratch register for testing. 0 RW
0x602 31:0 TX Flow Control IP Core Variant 0

Specifies first 4 characters of IP core variation identifier ASCII string, "25GE ".


0x603 31:0 TX Flow Control IP Core Variant 1 Next 4 characters of IP core variation identifier ASCII string, "FCTx". 0x4643_5478 RO
0x604 31:0 TX Flow Control IP Core Variant 2

Final 4 characters of IP core variation identifier ASCII string, "0CSR". The "0" is unprintable.

0x0043_5352 RO


TX Flow Control Enable

Enables the IP core to generate XON and XOFF Pause/PFC flow control frames to the remote partner. The following encodings are defined:
  • 1'b0: XON or XOFF Pause/PFC flow control is disabled.
  • 1'b1: XON or XOFF Pause/PFC flow control is enabled.

You can change this field dynamically.

1'b1 in each bit that corresponds to a queue



Reserved Reserved 0 RO


TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request 1

One bit per queue

XON/XOF flow control frame request bit 0. Interpretation depends on whether the IP core is in 1-bit FC request mode or in 2-bit FC request mode. This register affects a flow control queue only if the corresponding bit of the TX Flow Control Enable register has the value of 1.

In 2-bit mode, in addition, this register is active for a specific flow control queue only if the corresponding bit in the TX 2-bit Flow Control Request Mode register field (bits [(FCQN-1):0] of the register at offset 0x641) specifies that the flow control logic accepts input from this register.

The following encodings are defined for 1-bit mode. The IP core reads the 1-bit mode value in TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request 0.

  • 0 = No request
  • 0 to 1 = Generate XOFF request
  • 1 = Continue to generate XOFF request
  • 1 to 0 = Generate XON request

The following encodings are defined for 2-bit mode. The IP core reads the 2-bit mode value in {TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request 1, TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request 1}.

  • 00 = No request
  • 01 = XON request
  • 10 = XOFF request
  • 11 = Invalid

You can modify the value of this field dynamically.

0 RW


Reserved Reserved 0 RO


TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request 1

1-bit per queue

In conjunction with Flow Control XON/XOFF Request 0 specifies a 2-bit request for XON/XOFF flow control frame transmission. This bit is the upper bit of the 2-bit control field.

You can change the value of this field dynamically.

0 RW


Reserved Reserved 0 RO
0x607 31:0 Reserved Reserved N/A RO
0x608 31:0 Reserved Reserved N/A RO
0x609 31:0 Reserved Reserved N/A RO
0x60A 0

TX Pause Enable


Determines whether receiving a valid Pause frame stops TX user data transmission.

1'b0: Transmission is not stopped

1'b1: Transmission stops

You cannot change the value of this field dynamically.

0 RW
31:1 Reserved Reserved 0 RO
0x60B 31:0 Reserved Reserved N/A RO
0x60C 31:0 Reserved Reserved N/A RO
0x60D 31:0 TX Flow Control Destination Address Lower

Specifies the 48-bit Destination Address of the flow control frame. Contains the 32 LSB of the address field.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

0xC2000001 RW
0x60E 15:0 TX Flow Control Destination Address Upper

Specifies the 48-bit Destination Address of flow control frame. Contains the 16 MSB of the address field.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

0x0180 RW
31:16 Reserved Reserved 0 RO
0x60F 31:0 TX Flow Control Source Address Lower

Specifies the 48-bit Source Address of flow control frame. Contains the 32 LSB of the address field.

0x610 15:0 TX Flow Control Source Address Upper

Specifies the 48-bit Source Address of flow control frame. Contains the 16 MSB of the address field.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

0xE100 RW
31:16 Reserved Reserved 0 RO

0x620, 0x621, …, 0x620+(FCQN-1 )


TX Flow Control Quanta

16-bit per queue

Specifies the pause quanta of Pause/PFC flow control frames to be sent to remote partner.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

31:16 Reserved Reserved 0 RO
0x628, 0x629, …, 0x628+(FCQN-1 ) 15:0

TX Flow Control Signal XOFF Request Hold Quanta

16-bit per queue

Specifies the separation between 2 consecutive XOFF flow control frames.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

31:16 Reserved Reserved 0 RO
0x640 0

TX Flow Control Select


Specifies whether the TX hardware generates Pause or PFC frames. Affects only PFC Queue 0.

Usage example:

You can synthesize a single PFC queue and use it for both Pause and PFC purpose.

1'b0: Pause

1'b1: PFC

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

1 RW
31:1 Reserved. Reserved. 0 RO
0x641 (FCQN-1):0

TX 2-bit Flow Control Request Mode

1-bit per queue

Determines whether the TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request register or the pause_insert_tx0 and pause_insert_tx1 signals control XON/XOFF mode in 2-bit control mode.

1'b0: The pause_insert_tx0 and pause_insert_tx1 signals control requests

1'b1: The TX Flow Control CSR XON/XOFF Request register fields control requests

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

0 RW

TX Flow Control Request Mode

1 bit for all queues

Determines whether the IP core is in TX flow control 1-bit mode or 2-bit mode.

1'b0: Use 1-bit mode to make TX flow control requests

1'b1: Use 2-bit mode to make TX flow control requests

0 RW
31:17 Reserved Reserved 0 RO
Table 29.  RX Flow Control Registers
Addr Bit Name Description Reset Access
0x700 31:0 RX Flow Control Revision ID

Provides the flow control revision, "25GEFCRx CSR".

0x0916_2016 RO
0x701 31:0 RX Flow Control Scratch Pad Provides a register for debug. 0 RW
0x702 31:0 RX Flow Control IP Core Variant 0

First 4 characters of IP core variation identifier ASCII string,



0x703 31:0 RX Flow Control IP Core Variant 1 Next 4 characters of IP core variation identifier ASCII string, "FCRx". 0x4643_5278 RO
0x704 31:0 RX Flow Control IP Core Variant 2 Final 4 characters of IP core variation identifier ASCII string, "0CSR". The "0" is unprintable. 0x0043_5352 RO
0x705 (FCQN-1):0]

RX PFC Enable

1 bit per queue

Determines whether receiving a valid PFC frame causes the PFC duration user interface to indicate a valid pause quanta duration to the user logic.

1'b0: Disable

1'b1: Enable

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

1'b1 in each bit that corresponds to a queue RW
31:FCQN 8 Reserved Reserved 0 RO
0x706 31:0 Reserved Reserved N/A RO
0x707 31:0 RX Flow Control Destination Address Lower

Specifies the 48-bit Destination Address of the flow control frame. Contains the 32 LSB of the address field.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

0xC2000001 RW
0x708 15:0 RX Flow Control Destination Address Upper

Specifies the 48-bit Destination Address of flow control frame. Contains the 16 MSB of the address field.

You cannot modify the value of this field dynamically.

0x0180 RW
31:16 Reserved Reserved 0 RO