Agilex™ 7 SEU Mitigation User Guide

ID 683128
Date 9/20/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.1. SDM ECC Error Message Bits

The SDM ECC error message bits store the error message when the Agilex™ 7 device detects an SDM ECC error.

The SDM ECC error message contains information about the sector address and the type of error. You can retrieve the contents of the error message from the generic_sdm_data_out signal of the Advanced SEU Detection Intel® FPGA IP.

Table 6.  SDM and Subsystem ECC Error Message Bits Description
Name Width Bit Description

Sector address

(Most significant 32-bit word in generic_sdm_data_out signal)

32 31:24 Reserved
23:16 Address of sector with error
15:8 Reserved
7:4 Error type:
  • 0000—SEU error
  • 0001—SDM and subsystem ECC error
  • 0010—miscellaneous CNT error 3
  • 0011—SmartVID error
  • 0100—miscellaneous SDM error
  • Remaining values—reserved
3:0 Reserved

Error data

(Least significant 32-bit word in generic_sdm_data_out signal)

32 31:29

SDM and Subsystem ECC error type:

  • 010—uncorrectable multiple bits error
  • 101—correctable single bit error in transceiver tile (E-Tile)
  • 110—uncorrectable multiple bits error in transceiver tile (E-Tile)
  • 111—other error classes (F-Tile)
  • Remaining values—reserved
28 Correction status:
  • 0—not corrected
  • 1—corrected
27:12 Reserved

Specific SDM and Subsystem ECC error type 010 details: RAM_ID

Specific SDM and Subsystem ECC error type 101 details:
Specific SDM and Subsystem ECC error type 110 details:

Specific SDM and subsystem ECC error type 111 details: 0x2FCRE_REFCLK_FAIL

Table 7.  SDM Miscellaneous Error Message Bits Description
Name Width Bit Description

Sector address

(Most significant 32-bit word in generic_sdm_data_out signal)

32 31:24 Reserved
23:16 Address of sector with error
15:8 Reserved
7:4 Error Type:
  • 0000—SEU error
  • 0001—SDM and subsystem ECC Error
  • 0010—miscellaneous CNT error3
  • 0011—SmartVID error
  • 0100—miscellaneous SDM error
  • Remaining values—reserved
3:0 Reserved

Error data

(Least significant 32-bit word in generic_sdm_data_out signal)

32 31:29 SDM ECC error type:
  • 000—General error (not applicable to AGF006/008/012/014/ 022/027,AGI022/027)
  • 001—Single core TMR event
  • 111—WDT expiry event (not applicable to AGF006/008/012/014/022/027, AGI022/027)
  • Remaining values—reserved
28 Correction Status:
  • 0—not corrected
27:12 Reserved
11:0 Specific miscellaneous SDM error type 000 details:
  • 12'd16—general WDT error
  • 12'd17—nConfig WDT error
For other miscellaneous SDM error type:
  • Remaining values—reserved
Important: For uncorrectable SDM ECC error, Altera recommends that you reconfigure the Agilex™ 7 device.
3 Contact Intel Premier Support and quote ID #15015577051 for further assistance when you see this error.