Agilex™ 7 SEU Mitigation User Guide

ID 683128
Date 9/20/2024
Document Table of Contents

5.2.1. Fault Injection Debugger GUI Tool

You can access the Fault Injection Debugger GUI by selecting Tools > Fault Injection Debugger from the main menu of the Quartus® Prime software.
Figure 20.  Fault Injection Debugger GUI

Table 13.   Fault Injection Debugger GUI Control
Section Control Description
Main Hardware Setup Click to open the Hardware Setup window.
Chain Process Start Click to start the program or configure the device.
Auto Detect Click to scan the JTAG chain of the specified hardware and graphically display the device chain.
Select File Click to browse and select the .sof file.
Program/Configure Turn on to call the Programmer backend engine to program or configure the device.
Fault Injection Inject Fault Turn on to inject faults to random locations.
LUTRAM Checking Turn on to check if the error injection occurs at LUTRAM.
Run For Select to set the number of fault injection iterations before the tool stop injecting errors.
Run until stopped Select to set the tool to keep injecting faults until you click Stop.
Start Click to start the injecting faults.
Stop Click to stop injecting faults.
Read EMR Click to direct the tool to read the error message queue.