Import containers from registries
You can bring your existing linux containers from Docker Hub, Red Hat, Amazon ECR, Azure, Google container registries. To reuse containers without fetching them everytime or associate the same container across multiple projects, a private registry is also provided for your Intel® Developer Cloud for the Edge account.
Navigate to Container from Registry
Use your Dashboard view to access the +Import Resources option and select Container from Registry.
First, select the target project from the drop down to associate containers to be imported. If you don’t have a project already, use the +Create New Project option to continue importing from an internal or external registry.
Import from external registry
Enter the required details for importing from a public container registry.
Container Url: Repository URL with a tag, e.g. for docker hub
Add this to internal registry: To reimport the container quickly in another project.
Container Name: Unique identifier to recognize across other Container Playground views.
To import from a private registry, ensure Private is checked and enter the additional details.
Registry Server URL: e.g. for docker hub private repository
Username: username used to log in to your registry
Password: your private registry password
- The Url for AWS will be in the form of <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><container_name>:<tag> and <container_name> for Azure.
To import from AWS ECR private registry, first make sure your IAM user is assigned AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly and above policy. Retrieve the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and use the aws configure command using the aws cli to login locally. Finally, retrieve the AWS ECR token using the command aws ecr get-login-password –region <region> which must be entered in the password field.
To import from Azure ACR private registry, setup and retrieve the username and password from Settings > Access Keys from the Azure portal.
Import from internal registry
Use this option to select a container previously imported with the Add this to internal registry option. Check all the containers from list of containers you would like to associate with this project.
Click import on the bottom right to view the list of containers associated with the current project. You can also continue importing additional containers with +Add new Containers option.
See Configure imported containers and Select Hardware and Launch Containers to launch.
Project Name: helloworld-project
(Import From External Registry) Container Url:
Container Name: helloworld-container
Use the View Logs option to see the console output of the container.