Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 7/13/2023
Document Table of Contents


Multiplies signed packed 16-bit integer data elements of two vectors. The corresponding Intel® AVX2 instruction is VPMADDW.


extern __m256i _mm256_madd_epi16(__m256i s1, __m256i s2);



integer source vector used for the operation


integer source vector used for the operation


Multiplies individual, signed 16-bit integers of source vector s1 by the corresponding signed 16-bit integers of source vector s2, producing temporary, signed, 32-bit [doubleword] results. The adjacent doubleword results are then summed and stored in the destination vector.

For example, the corresponding low-order words (15:0) and (31-16) in s2 and s1 vectors are multiplied, and the doubleword results are added together and stored in the low doubleword of the destination vector (31-0). The same operation is performed on the other pairs of adjacent words.


Result of the multiplication operation.