Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 7/13/2023
Document Table of Contents


Adds the unsigned 8/16-bit integer data elements with saturation of two vectors. The corresponding Intel® AVX2 instruction is VPADDUSB or VPADDUSW.


extern __m256i _mm256_adds_epu8(__m256i s1, __m256i s2);

extern __m256i _mm256_adds_epu16(__m256i s1, __m256i s2);



integer source vector used for the operation


integer source vector used for the operation


Performs a SIMD add of the packed, unsigned, 8- or 16-bit integer data elements with saturation from the first source vector, s1, and corresponding elements of the second source vector, s2, and stores the packed integer results in the destination vector. When an individual byte/word result is beyond the range of a unsigned byte/word integer (that is, greater than FFH/FFFFH), the saturated value of FFH/FFFFH, respectively, is written to the destination vector.


Result of the addition operation.