Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 7/13/2023
Document Table of Contents

Complex SDLT Primitive Construction Example

This example demonstrates use of nested primitives and the use of an accessor inside a SIMD loop to generate efficient code.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sdlt/sdlt.h>

#define N 1024

typedef struct XYZs {
    float x;
    float y;
    float z;
} XYZTy;


typedef struct RGBs {
    float r;
    float g;
    float b;
    XYZTy w;
} RGBTy;

SDLT_PRIMITIVE(RGBs, r, g, b, w)

void main()
    sdlt::soa1d_container<RGBTy> aContainer(N);
    auto a = aContainer.access();

    #pragma omp simd
    for (int k = 0; k<N; k++) {
        RGBTy c;
        c.r = k*1.5f;
        c.g = k*2.5f;
        c.b = k*3.5f;
        c.w.x = k*4.5f;
        c.w.y = k*5.5f;
        c.w.z = k*6.5f;
        a[k] = c;
    const RGBTy c = a[10];
    printf("k = %d, a[k].r = %f, a[k].g = %f, a[k].b = %f \n",
        10, c.r, c.g, c.b);

    printf("k = %d, a[k].w.x = %f, a[k].w.y = %f, a[k].w.z = %f \n",
        10, c.w.x, c.w.y, c.w.z);