Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 7/13/2023
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Class represents a half-open interval with lower and upper bounds. #include <sdlt/bounds.h>


template<typename LowerT = int, typename UpperT = int> struct bounds_t


bounds_t holds the lower and upper bounds of a half open interval. It is templated to allow the different representations for the lower and upper bounds. Supported types include fixed<NumberT>, aligned<AlignmentT> and integer values. bounds_t models a valid iteration space over a single dimension.

bounds_t can be used to represent an iteration space over the entire extent of a dimension or to restrict iteration space within the extent. n_bounds_t aggregates a number of bounds_t objects to allow construction of multi-demensional subsections restricting multiple extents.

The class interface is compatible with C++ range-based loops to simplify iteration.

Template Argument


typename LowerT = int

Type of lower bound.

Requirements: type is int, or fixed<NumberT>, or aligned<AlignmentT>

typename UpperT = int

Type of upper bound.

Requirements: type is int, or fixed<NumberT>, or aligned<AlignmentT>

Member Types


typedef LowerT lower_type

Type of the lower bound

typedef UpperT upper_type

Type of the upper bound

typedef implementation-defined iterator

Iterator type for C++ range-based loops support.




Effects: Constructs bounds_t with uninitialized lower and upper bounds.

bounds_t(lower_type l, upper_type u)

Requirements: (u >= l)

Effects: Constructs bounds_t representing the half-open interval [l, u)

bounds_t(const bounds_t & a_other)

Effects: Constructs bounds_t with lower and upper bounds initialized from those of a_other.

template<typename OtherLowerT, typename OtherUpperT> bounds_t(const bounds_t<OtherLowerT, OtherUpperT> & a_other)

Requirements: OtherLowerT and OtherUpperT can legally be converted to lower_type and upper_type. For example it would be illegal to convert an int to fixed<8>().

Effects: Constructs bounds_t with lower and upper bounds initialized from those of a_other.

void set(lower_type l, upper_type u)

Effects: Set index of the inclusive lower bound and the index of the exclusive upper bound.

void set_lower(lower_type a_lower)

Effects: Set index of the inclusive lower bound

void set_upper(upper_type a_upper)

Effects: Set index of the exclusive upper bound

lower_type lower() const

Returns: index of the inclusive lower bound

upper_type upper() const

Returns: index of the exclusive upper bound

iterator begin() const

Returns: index iterator for the inclusive lower bound. NOTE: C++11 range-based loops require begin() & end()

iterator end() const

Returns: index iterator for the exclusive upper bound. NOTE: C++11 range-based loops require begin() & end()

auto width() const

Effects: Determine width of iteration space inside the half open interval between lower() and upper() bounds.

Returns: upper() – lower()

NOTE: the return type depends on resulting type of a subtraction between the types of upper() and lower().

template<typename OtherLowerT, typename OtherUpperT> bool contains(const bounds_t<OtherLowerT, OtherUpperT> &a_other) const

Effects: Determine if interval of a_other is entirely contained inside this object’s bounds

Returns: (a_other.lower() >= lower() &&

a_other.upper() <= upper())

template<typename T> auto operator + (const T &offset) const

Effects: create a new bounds_t instance with offset added to both lower and upper bounds.

Returns: bounds(lower() + offset, upper()+offset)

NOTE: The lower_type and upper_type of the returned bound_t maybe different as result of addition of the offset.

template<typename T> auto operator - (const T & offset) const

Effects: create a new bounds_t instance with offset subtracted from both lower and upper bounds.

Returns: bounds(lower() - offset, upper()-offset)

NOTE: The lower_type and upper_type of the returned object maybe different as result of subtraction of T.

bool operator == (const bounds_t &a_other) const

Effects: Equality comparison with same-typed bounds_t object

Returns: (lower() == a_other.lower() && upper() == a_other.upper())

template<typename OtherLowerT, typename OtherUpperT> bool operator == ( const bounds_t<OtherLowerT, OtherUpperT> &a_other) const

Effects: Equality comparison with bounds_t object of different lower_type or upper_type.

Returns: (lower() == a_other.lower() && upper() == a_other.upper())

bool operator != (const bounds_t &) const

Effects: Inequality comparison with same-typed bounds_t object

Returns: (lower() != a_other.lower() || upper() != a_other.upper())

template<typename OtherLowerT, typename OtherUpperT> bool operator != ( const bounds_t<OtherLowerT, OtherUpperT> &a_other) const

Effects: Inequality comparison with with bounds_t object of different lower_type or upper_type

Returns: (lower() != a_other.lower() || upper() != a_other.upper())

Friend Function


std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& a_output_stream, const bounds_t &a_bounds)

Effects: append string representation of bounds_t lower and upper values to a_output_stream

Returns: reference to a_output_stream for chained calls

Range-based loops support

The bounds_t provides begin() and end() methods returning iterators to enable C++11 range-based loops. The may save quite some typing and improve code clarity when iterating over bounds of a multidimensional container.


auto ca = image_container.const_access(); auto b0 = bounds_d<0>(ca); auto b1 = bounds_d<1>(ca); for (auto y = b0.lower(); y < b0.upper(); ++y) for (auto x = b1.lower(); x < b1.upper(); ++x) { RGBAs pixel = ca[y][x]; // … }
auto ca = image_container.const_access(); for (auto y: bounds_d<0>(ca)) for (auto x: bounds_d<1>(ca)) { RGBAs pixel = ca[y][x]; // … }

Note that iterator only gives an index value within the bounds, not an object value. It is expected to be used to index into accessors like in example above.