Intel® C++ Compiler Classic Developer Guide and Reference

ID 767249
Date 7/13/2023
Document Table of Contents

Getting Coverage Summary Information on Demand

This API is supported only on Linux OS for C/C++ applications.

The _PGOPTI_Get_Coverage_Info() function gets the basic-block and line coverage percentage for each instrumented file while the application is running.

The prototype of the function call is :

int _PGOPTI_Get_Coverage_Info(PGOPTI_COVERAGE_SUMMARY *coverage_array);

This API provides on-demand coverage information for all the files that get profiled. The coverage information is stored in a dynamically allocated array of structures, a pointer to which is returned in the argument coverage_array. The return value of the call is the number of elements in this array.

You can use the coverage information as needed but you are responsible for freeing up the dynamically allocated coverage array.

You can also choose to print the on-demand coverage information onto the terminal screen as shown in the following example:

#include <pgouser.h> void Coverage_Summary(void) { int index, num_files; PGOPTI_COVERAGE_SUMMARY coverage_array, curp; // Get coverage summary information and print it out num_files = _PGOPTI_Get_Coverage_Info(&coverage_array); for (index = 0; index < num_files; index++) { curp = &coverage_array[index]; printf( "%s ", curp->file_name); printf( "Block coverage percent: %u, ", curp->coverage_percent); printf( "Line coverage percent: %u\n", curp->line_coverage_percent); free(curp->file_name); } if (num_files > 0) { free(coverage_array); }}