GTS HDMI Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 823533
Date 11/25/2024
Document Table of Contents

1. GTS HDMI Intel® FPGA IP Quick Reference

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 24.3
IP Version 1.0.0
The GTS High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) Intel® FPGA IP provides support for next-generation video display interface technology.
The GTS HDMI Intel® FPGA IP is part of the Intel® FPGA IP Library, which is distributed with the Quartus® Prime software.
Note: All information in this document refers to the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software, unless stated otherwise.
Table 1.  IP Information
Information Description
Core Features
  • Conforms to the High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) Specification versions 1.4 and 2.0b
  • Supports transmitter and receiver on a single device transceiver quad
  • Supports pixel frequency up to 600 MHz for HDMI 2.0
  • Supports RGB and YCbCr 444, 422, and 420 color modes
  • Accepts standard H-SYNC, V-SYNC, data enable, RGB video format, and YCbCr video format
  • Supports up to 32 audio channels in 2-channel and 8-channel layouts.
  • Supports 8, 10, 12, or 16 bits per component (bpc)
  • Supports single link Digital Visual Interface (DVI)
Typical Application
  • Interfaces within a PC and monitor
  • External display connections, including interfaces between a PC and monitor or projector, between a PC and TV, or between a device such as a DVD player and TV display
Device Family Supports Agilex™ 5 devices.
Design Tools
  • Quartus® Prime software for IP design instantiation and compilation
  • Timing Analyzer in the Quartus® Prime software for timing analysis
  • ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Edition or ModelSim* - Intel® FPGA Starter Edition, Riviera-PRO* , VCS* MX, and Xcelium* Parallel software for design simulation