AN 1006: Multi-Project Analysis with Exploration Dashboard

ID 816589
Date 11/18/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.2. Step 2: Add Projects to Exploration Dashboard

There are multiple methods of adding Quartus® Prime projects to the Exploration Dashboard for analysis, including adding projects from specific directories, and adding projects from Quartus® Prime project archive files (.qar).

Follow these steps to create a project group for this example:

  1. From the Tasks list, double-click Add projects under directory under Import Existing Projects.
    Figure 6. Add Projects Under Directory Task

  2. Click the (...) button to specify the Quartus project directory in the Path to directory field of the Add Handle to Existing Projects Under Directory dialog box.
    Figure 7. Add Existing Projects to Exploration Dashboard

  3. To create a new group ID for easy interaction with all the projects, and to dispatch all the work to each project to run in parallel, double-click the edit to add new group text. Then, type All_Seeds to create the group. Finally, select the newly created All_Seeds group by checking the respective checkbox.
  4. In the Confirm Projects Found in Directory dialog box, turn on the check boxes for the seed_1, seed_2, and seed_3 projects to add them to the group. You can modify the project ID of each project by double-clicking in the respective ID and typing a new one.
    Figure 8. Ungrouped Projects in Exploration Dashboard

  5. Click OK to confirm the additions to your Exploration Dashboard workspace.
  6. In the Object Status panel, view the members of the All_Seeds group.
    Figure 9. Three Projects Combined Into Single Group

    Note: To add more projects or define another group at any time, you can double-click Create project group on the Tasks list.
    Figure 10. Create Project Group