Variable Precision DSP Blocks User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813968
Date 4/01/2024
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6.4. Signals

The following tables list the input and output signals of the Multiply Adder Intel® FPGA IP core.

Table 102.   Multiply Adder Intel® FPGA IP Input Signals
Signal Required Description
dataa_0[]/dataa_1[]/dataa_2[]/dataa_3[] Yes Data input to the multiplier. Input port [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_A - 1 … 0] wide
datab_0[]/datab_1[]/datab_2[]/datab_3[] Yes Data input to the multiplier. Input signal [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_B - 1 … 0] wide
datac_0[] /datac_1[]/datac_2[]/datac_3[] No Data input to the multiplier. Input signal [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_C - 1, … 0] wide

Select INPUT for Select preadder mode parameter to enable these signals.

clock[1:0] No Clock input port to the corresponding register. This signal can be used by any register in the IP core.
aclr[1:0] No Asynchronous clear input to the corresponding register.
sclr[1:0] No Synchronous clear input to the corresponding register.
ena[1:0] No Enable signal input to the corresponding register.
signa No Specifies the numerical representation of the multiplier input A. If the signa signal is high, the multiplier treats the multiplier input A signal as a signed number. If the signa signal is low, the multiplier treats the multiplier input A signal as an unsigned number.

Select VARIABLE for What is the representation format for Multipliers A inputs parameter to enable this signal.

signb No Specifies the numerical representation of the multiplier input B signal. If the signb signal is high, the multiplier treats the multiplier input B signal as a signed two's complement number. If the signb signal is low, the multiplier treats the multiplier input B signal as an unsigned number.
scanina[] No Input for scan chain A. Input signal [WIDTH_A - 1, ... 0] wide. When the INPUT_SOURCE_A parameter has a value of SCANA, the scanina[] signal is required.
accum_sload No Dynamically specifies whether the accumulator value is constant. If the accum_sload signal is low, then the multiplier output is loaded into the accumulator. Do not use accum_sload and sload_accum simultaneously.
sload_accum No Dynamically specifies whether the accumulator value is constant. If the sload_accum signal is high, then the multiplier output is loaded into the accumulator. Do not use accum_sload and sload_accum simultaneously.
chainin[] No Adder result input bus from the preceding stage. Input signal [WIDTH_CHAININ - 1, … 0] wide.
addnsub1 No Perform addition or subtraction to the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. Input 1 to addnsub1 signal to add the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. Input 0 to addnsub1 signal to subtract the outputs from the first pair of multipliers.
addnsub3 No Perform addition or subtraction to the outputs from the first pair of multipliers. Input 1 to addnsub3 signal to add the outputs from the second pair of multipliers. Input 0 to addnsub3 signal to subtract the outputs from the first pair of multipliers.
coefsel0[] No Coefficient input signal[0:3] to the first multiplier.
coefsel1[] No Coefficient input signal[0:3]to the second multiplier.
coefsel2[] No Coefficient input signal[0:3]to the third multiplier.
coefsel3[] No Coefficient input signal [0:3] to the fourth multiplier.
Table 103.   Multiply Adder Intel® FPGA IP Output Signals
Signal Required Description
result [] Yes Multiplier output signal. Output signal [WIDTH_RESULT - 1 … 0] wide
scanouta [] No Output of scan chain A. Output signal [WIDTH_A - 1..0] wide.

Select more than 2 for numbers of multipliers and choose Scan chain input for What is the input A of the multiplier connected to parameter to enable this signal.