Variable Precision DSP Blocks User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 813968
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

9.7.1. General Tab

Parameter Name Value Default Value Description
How wide should the 'numerator' input bus be? 1–64 8 Specifies the widths of the numer[] and quotient[] ports.
How wide should the 'denominator' input bus be? 1–64 8 Specifies the widths of the denom[] and remain[] ports. Values are 1 to 64.
Numerator Representation
  • Unsigned
  • Signed
Unsigned Sign representation of the numerator input. When this parameter is set to Signed, the divider interprets the numer[] input as signed two's complement.
Denominator Representation
  • Unsigned
  • Signed
Unsigned Sign representation of the denominator input. When this parameter is set to Signed, the divider interprets the denom[] input as signed two's complement.