Intel® FPGA AI Suite: SoC Design Example User Guide

ID 768979
Date 2/12/2024

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Document Table of Contents

3. Intel® FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial

The SoC design example quick start tutorial provides instructions to do the following tasks:

  • Build a bitstream and flash card image for the FPGA development kit.
  • Run the dla_benchmark utility from the example runtime on the SoC FPGA HPS ( Arm* processor) host. This example runtime uses the memory-to-memory (M2M) model.
  • Run the streaming image application that streams data from the HPS Arm* processor host to the FPGA device in a way that mimics how data is streamed from any other input source (such as Ethernet, HDMI, or MIPI). This streaming image application uses the steaming-to-memory (S2M) model.
This quick start tutorial assumes that you have reviewed the following sections in the Intel® FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide:

SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial Prerequisites

Before you start the tutorial ensure that you have successfully completed the installation tasks outlined in "Installing the Intel® FPGA AI Suite Compiler and IP Generation Tools" in the Intel® FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide .

The remaining sections of the Intel® FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide can help you understand the overall flow of using the Intel® FPGA AI Suite, but they are not required to complete this quick start tutorial