Visible to Intel only — GUID: ktk1678993610247
1. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide
2. About the SoC Design Example
3. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial
4. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Run Process
5. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Build Process
6. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quartus® Prime System Architecture
7. FPGA AI Suite Soc Design Example Software Components
8. Streaming-to-Memory (S2M) Streaming Demonstration
A. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide Archives
B. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide Document Revision History
3.1. Initial Setup
3.2. Initializing a Work Directory
3.3. (Optional) Create an SD Card Image (.wic)
3.4. Writing the SD Card Image (.wic) to an SD Card
3.5. Preparing SoC FPGA Development Kits for the FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example
3.6. Adding Compiled Graphs (AOT files) to the SD Card
3.7. Verifying FPGA Device Drivers
3.8. Running the Demonstration Applications
7.1.1. Yocto Recipe: recipes-core/images/
7.1.2. Yocto Recipe: recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-socfpga_%.bbappend
7.1.3. Yocto Recipe: recipes-drivers/msgdma-userio/
7.1.4. Yocto Recipe: recipes-drivers/uio-devices/
7.1.5. Yocto Recipe: recipes-kernel/linux/linux-socfpga-lts_%.bbappend
7.1.6. Yocto Recipe: recipes-support/devmem2/
7.1.7. Yocto Recipe: wic
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ktk1678993610247
3.6. Adding Compiled Graphs (AOT files) to the SD Card
An AOT file contains instructions for the FPGA AI Suite IP to “execute” in order to perform inference. The M2M design variant and the S2M design variant require different AOT files. The instructions in this section create both AOT files.
To add the compiled graphs to the development kit SD card:
Tip: If you completed the FPGA AI Suite Quick Start Tutorial in the FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide, you can skip steps 1-3.
- Create the $COREDLA_WORK directory, if you have not already done so.
- Prepare OpenVINO™ Model Zoo and Model Optimizer.
- Prepare a model.
Tip: If you completed the FPGA AI Suite Quick Start Tutorial in the FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide , you have already completed these first three steps.
- Confirm that you have the following directory:
If you do not have this directory, confirm that you have completed the first three steps.
- Compile the graphs.
- Copy the compiled graphs to the SD card.
Section Content
Preparing OpenVINO Model Zoo
Preparing a Model
Compiling the Graphs
Copying the Compiled Graphs to the SD card
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