FPGA AI Suite: Compiler Reference Manual

ID 768972
Date 9/06/2024

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3.5.2. Generating an Architecture Optimized for a Frame Rate Target Value

To generate the smallest possible architecture with a minimum target frame rate (fps) performance constraint, use the --mtarget-fps option in addition to the options used to generate an optimized architecture. If you specify both the --mtarget-fps and --mmax-resources options, the optimizer tries to satisfy both constraints.

The output files are the same as when generating a performance-optimized architecture. 

The function uses as many processor cores available as possible to search for a potential minimum architecture achieving the target frame rate.

Example Command

dla_compiler \
   --gen-arch \
   --gen-min-sb=2048 \
   --network-file Mobilenet_v1.xml \
   --march=./example_architecture/AGX7_Performance.arch \ 
   --mmax-resources-alm-util=75 \ 
   --mmax-resources=427200,2713,1518 \ 
   --fassumed-fmax-core=300 \