Nios® V Embedded Processor Design Handbook

ID 726952
Date 5/26/2023

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5.4.2. Overview

Note: For Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition software, refer to AN 980: Nios® V Processor Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Support for the steps to generate the example design.
You can download the µC/TCP-IP Example Designs in the Intel® FPGA Store. The example designs are based on the Intel Arria 10 SoC development kit. Using the scripts, the hardware and software design are generated, and programmed as SRAM Object Files (.sof) into the device. Using the memory-initialized .sof file, the Nios® V processor boots the µC/TCP-IP application from the On-Chip Memory after resetting the processor during User Mode.

The featured µC/TCP-IP Example Designs are :

  • µC/TCP-IP IPerf Example Design
    • This example design incorporated the µC/IPerf, an iPerf 2 server or client developed for the µC/TCP-IP Stack and the µC/OS-II RTOS. iPerf 2 is a benchmarking tool for measuring performance between two systems, and it can be used as a server or a client.
    • An iPerf server receives iPerf request sent over a TCP/IP connection from any iPerf clients, and runs the iPerf test according to the provided arguments. Each test reports the bandwidth, loss and other parameters.
      Figure 77. µC/TCP-IP IPerf Data Flow Diagram
  • µC/TCP-IP Simple Socket Server Example Design
    • This example design demonstrates communication with a telnet client on a development host PC. The telnet client offers a convenient way of issuing commands over a TCP/IP socket to the Ethernet-connected µC/TCP-IP running on the development board with a simple TCP/IP socket server example.
    • The socket server example receives commands sent over a TCP/IP connection and turns LEDs on and off according to the commands. The example consists of a socket server task that listens for commands on a TCP/IP port and dispatches those commands to a set of LED management tasks.
      Figure 78. µC/TCP-IP Simple Socket Server Data Flow Diagram
      Note: The Nios V target system does not implement a full telnet server.