F-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Design Example User Guide

ID 710582
Date 4/03/2023

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2.1.2. CPRI Multirate Hardware Design Example

Figure 8. CPRI Multirate Hardware Design Example Block Diagram

In the hardware design example, the reset, status, and control signals from packet clients, F-Tile CPRI PHY Multirate Intel® FPGA IP, and F-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite Intel® FPGA IP in the example design are connected to In-System Sources and Probes IPs (ISSP). The hardware test scripts open service to the ISSP to read and drive the values. A JTAG host is instantiated to access the Avalon® memory-mapped interfaces.

Hardware Flow for Design Example:
  1. Enable the packet round-trip measurement.
    • Perform the deterministic latency test flow.
    • Print the deterministic latency data to det_latency.log file.
  2. Power up the CPRI PHY Multirate IP DUT based on profile 0 (24G RSFEC).
  3. Initialize the testbench variables based on power-up profile. The variables are:
    • cpri_speed: To indicate the speed of the current profile.
    • enable_rsfec: To indicate whether RS-FEC is enabled or disabled for the current profile.
    • current_dr_profile: To indicate the ID of the current profile.
  4. Perform dynamic reconfiguration.
  5. Check the testbench error flag and determine whether testbench passed or failed. This error flag is set to 1 if there is any error after dynamic reconfiguration traffic tests.
For customization, you can modify the DR_TRANSITION array variable in src or parameter file to configure test flow. Profile ID is passed into Dynamic Reconfiguration IP to configure the intended dynamic reconfiguration task.
  • DR_TRANSITION: Intended dynamic reconfiguration sequence array. The size of this array variable determines the number of dynamic reconfiguration to be performed.
For example, you want to achieve this Dynamic Reconfiguration sequence: 24G RS-FEC > 10G > 4.9G. The variables changes are:
set DR_TRANSITION(0)   "10G"
set DR_TRANSITION(1)   " 4P9G"

The sample output for the CPRI Multirate hardware design example is shown below.

Sample output for CPRI Multirate hardware design example:

Info: Number of Channels = 1
Info: JTAG Port ID       = 1
Info: Power Up Variant   = 24G_RSFEC
Info: Start of ftile_dr_cpri_test

Info: Basic CPRI DR test

	INFO: Checking PLL lock status...
	iopll_sclk_locked 1
	INFO: IOPLL sclk is locked
	INFO: Set Reconfig Reset
	INFO: Release Reconfig Reset
Loop 0
	INFO: Set RT Counter
	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack n status...
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack n status...
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	Info: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to CPRI 10G ....
	Info: Wait for DR Ready....
	Info: Trigger DR interrupt
	Info: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
		Info: DR Request acknowledged
	Info: Wait for DR Config to be done....
		Info: DONE Reconfigure to 10G.
	INFO: Channel 0: Configuring cpri_speed
	Info: Channel: 0 Loop: 0 De-asserting reset to CPRI 10G ....
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	Info: Check TX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking TX ready status...
		Info: tx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	Info: Check RX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX ready status...
		Info: rx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX PCS ready status...
		Info: rx_pcs_ready  = 1
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Configuring DL ....
	Info Channel: 0 sending packets in progress, waiting for checker pass ***
	Info Channel: 0 waiting for measure_valid to assert...
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking hyperframe sync status...
	INFO: hyperframe sync asserted
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RT count done status...
	INFO: RT count done asserted
	Channel 0 : Read Determenistic latency counts
	Channel 0 : Get checker_pass status:
	Checker value = 1
	Checker status = Passed!


	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack n status...
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack n status...
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	Info: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to CPRI 9P8G ....
	Info: Wait for DR Ready....
	Info: Trigger DR interrupt
	Info: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
		Info: DR Request acknowledged
	Info: Wait for DR Config to be done....
		Info: DONE Reconfigure to 9P8G.
	INFO: Channel 0: Configuring cpri_speed
	Info: Channel: 0 Loop: 0 De-asserting reset to CPRI 9P8G ....
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	Info: Check TX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking TX ready status...
		Info: tx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	Info: Check RX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX ready status...
		Info: rx_ready = 1
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Configuring DL ....
	Info Channel: 0 sending packets in progress, waiting for checker pass ***
	Info Channel: 0 waiting for measure_valid to assert...
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking hyperframe sync status...
	INFO: hyperframe sync asserted
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RT count done status...
	INFO: RT count done asserted
	Channel 0 : Read Determenistic latency counts
	Channel 0 : Get checker_pass status:
	Checker value = 1
	Checker status = Passed!


	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack n status...
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack n status...
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	Info: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to CPRI 4P9G ....
	Info: Wait for DR Ready....
	Info: Trigger DR interrupt
	Info: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
		Info: DR Request acknowledged
	Info: Wait for DR Config to be done....
		Info: DONE Reconfigure to 4P9G.
	INFO: Channel 0: Configuring cpri_speed
	Info: Channel: 0 Loop: 0 De-asserting reset to CPRI 4P9G ....
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	Info: Check TX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking TX ready status...
		Info: tx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	Info: Check RX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX ready status...
		Info: rx_ready = 1
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Configuring DL ....
	Info Channel: 0 sending packets in progress, waiting for checker pass ***
	Info Channel: 0 waiting for measure_valid to assert...
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking hyperframe sync status...
	INFO: hyperframe sync asserted
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RT count done status...
	INFO: RT count done asserted
	Channel 0 : Read Determenistic latency counts
	Channel 0 : Get checker_pass status:
	Checker value = 1
	Checker status = Passed!


	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack n status...
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack n status...
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	Info: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to CPRI 2P4G ....
	Info: Wait for DR Ready....
	Info: Trigger DR interrupt
	Info: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
		Info: DR Request acknowledged
	Info: Wait for DR Config to be done....
		Info: DONE Reconfigure to 2P4G.
	INFO: Channel 0: Configuring cpri_speed
	Info: Channel: 0 Loop: 0 De-asserting reset to CPRI 2P4G ....
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	Info: Check TX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking TX ready status...
		Info: tx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	Info: Check RX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX ready status...
		Info: rx_ready = 1
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Configuring DL ....
	Info Channel: 0 sending packets in progress, waiting for checker pass ***
	Info Channel: 0 waiting for measure_valid to assert...
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking hyperframe sync status...
	INFO: hyperframe sync asserted
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RT count done status...
	INFO: RT count done asserted
	Channel 0 : Read Determenistic latency counts
	Channel 0 : Get checker_pass status:
	Checker value = 1
	Checker status = Passed!


	INFO: Channel 0: Set TX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking tx reset ack n status...
	INFO: TX fully in reset state 
	INFO: Channel 0: Set RX Reset
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking rx reset ack n status...
	INFO: RX fully in reset state 
	Info: Channel: 0 Configuring ED to CPRI 24G_RSFEC ....
	Info: Wait for DR Ready....
	Info: Trigger DR interrupt
	Info: Wait for DR interrupt Ack....
		Info: DR Request acknowledged
	Info: Wait for DR Config to be done....
		Info: DONE Reconfigure to 24G_RSFEC.
	INFO: Channel 0: Configuring cpri_speed
	Info: Channel: 0 Loop: 0 De-asserting reset to CPRI 24G_RSFEC ....
	INFO: Channel 0: Release TX Reset
	Info: Check TX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking TX ready status...
		Info: tx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0: Release RX Reset
	Info: Check RX Ready Attempt: 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX ready status...
		Info: rx_ready = 1
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RX PCS ready status...
		Info: rx_pcs_ready  = 1
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Configuring DL ....
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Programing RSFEC WA into DL counter ....
	Info:Info: Channel: 0 Starting DL ....
	Info Channel: 0 sending packets in progress, waiting for checker pass ***
	Info Channel: 0 waiting for measure_valid to assert...
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking hyperframe sync status...
	INFO: hyperframe sync asserted
	INFO: Channel 0 : Checking RT count done status...
	INFO: RT count done asserted
	Channel 0 : Read Determenistic latency counts
	Channel 0 : Get checker_pass status:
	Checker value = 0
	Checker status = Passed!


Info: End of ftile_cpri_dr_test
Info: Test <ftile_cpri_dr_test> Passed