F-Tile DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 709308
Date 6/06/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.6.2. Modifying HDCP Software Parameters

To facilitate the HDCP debugging process, you can modify the parameters in hdcp.c. The following table summarizes the list of configurable parameters and their functions:

Parameter Function
SUPPORT_HDCP1X Enable HDCP 1.3 on TX side
SUPPORT_HDCP2X Enable HDCP 2.3 on TX side
DEBUG_MODE_HDCP Enable debug messages for TX HDCP
REPEATER_MODE Enable repeater mode for HDCP design example

To modify the parameters, change the values to the desired values in hdcp.c. Before starting the compilation, make the following changes in the build_sw_hdcp.sh:

  1. Locate the following line and comment it out to prevent the modified software file being replaced by the original files from the Quartus® Prime software installation path:
  2. Run "quartus_py ./build_niosv_sw_hdcp.py -d" to compile the updated software.
  3. The generated .elf file can be included into the design through two methods:
    1. Run "niosv-download -g <elf file name>". Reset the system after the downloading process is completed to ensure proper functionality.
    2. Run "quartus_cdb –-update_mif" to update the memory initialization files. Run assembler to generate new .sof file which includes the updated software.