F-Tile DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 709308
Date 6/06/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.5. Clocking Scheme

The clocking scheme illustrates the clock domains in the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP design example.

Figure 9.  Agilex™ 7 F-Tile DisplayPort Transceiver Clocking Scheme
Table 8.  Clocking Scheme Signals
Clock in diagram Description
SysPLL refclk

F-Tile System PLL reference clock which can be any clock frequency that is dividable by System PLL for that output frequency.

In this design example, system_pll_clk_link and rx/tx refclk_link share the same 150 MHz SysPLL refclk.

It must be a free running clock which is connected from a dedicated transceiver reference clock pin to the input clock port of Reference and System PLL Clocks IP, before connecting the corresponding output port to DisplayPort Phy Top.
Note: For this design example, configure Clock Controller GUI Si5391A OUT6 to 150 MHz.

The minimum System PLL output frequency to support all DisplayPort rates is 320 MHz.

This design example uses a 900 MHz (highest) output frequency so that SysPLL refclk can be shared with rx/tx refclk_link, which is 150 MHz.

rx_cdr_refclk_link /

Rx CDR and Tx PLL Link refclk which is fixed to 150 MHz to support all DisplayPort data rates.

rx_ls_clkout /


DisplayPort Link Speed Clock to clock DisplayPort IP core. The frequency is equivalent to Data Rate divided by parallel data width.


Frequency = data rate / data width

For HBR3:

= 8.1G (HBR3) / 40 bits

= 202.5 MHz

For UHBR10:

= 10G (UHBR10) / 32 bits

= 312.5 MHz