Hybrid Memory Cube Controller IP Core User Guide - Intel Stratix 10 Beta Version

ID 683854
Date 8/08/2016
Document Table of Contents

5.5. ERROR_RESPONSE Register

Table 26.  HMC Controller IP Core ERROR_RESPONSE Register at Offset 0x14The HMC Controller IP core stores the ERRSTAT and CUB fields of the Error responses that it receives on the HMC link. The IP core stores these fields in an internal Error Response queue (FIFO buffer). The application can read the relevant information for each Error Response packet from this queue by reading the ERROR_RESPONSE register. Reading from the register advances the queue.

Read, Write, or MODE response packets the HMC Controller IP core receives with a non-zero ERRSTAT field do not route to this queue or register. Instead they are sent to the data path response interface with dp_rsp_error asserted.

Bits Field Name Type Value on Reset Description
31:17 Reserved RO 0x0000
16 Valid RO 0x0 Indicates the CUB and ERRSTAT fields in the register hold valid values. When the Error Response queue is empty, the CUB and ERRSTAT fields are not valid, and the Valid bit has the value of 0.

You can poll the Valid bit to determine if any Error Response packets are waiting to be processed, or you can enable the RX Error Response interrupt in the INTERRUPT_ENABLE register.

15:11 Reserved RO 0x00
10:8 CUB RO 0x0 The CUB ID extracted from the TAG field of the Error Response packet.
7 Reserved RO 0x0
6:0 ERRSTAT RO 0x00 The ERRSTAT value extracted from the Error Response packet.