Stratix® 10 Low Latency 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP Design Example User Guide

ID 683718
Date 5/31/2024

1. Quick Start Guide

Updated for:
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Suite 20.3

The Stratix® 10 Low Latency (LL) 40G Ethernet IP core provides a simulation testbench and a hardware design example that supports compilation and hardware testing. When you generate the design example, the Quartus® Prime IP parameter editor automatically creates the files necessary to simulate, compile, and test the design in hardware.

In addition, you can download the compiled hardware design to the Intel device-specific development kit for interoperative testing. The also includes a compilation-only example project that you can use to quickly estimate IP core area and timing.

The Stratix® 10 Low Latency (LL) 40G Ethernet IP supports design example generation with a wide range of parameters. However, the design examples do not cover all possible parameterizations of the Stratix® 10 LL 40GbE IP Core.

Figure 1. Development Steps for the Design Example