Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 10/04/2021

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Document Table of Contents Locate History Window

As you optimize your design floorplan, you might have to locate a path or node in the Chip Planner more than once. The Locate History window lists all the nodes and paths you have displayed using a Locate in Chip Planner command, providing easy access to the nodes and paths of interest to you.

If you locate a required path from the Timing Analyzer Report Timing pane, the Locate History window displays the required clock path. If you locate an arrival path from the Timing Analyzer Report Timing pane, the Locate History window displays the path from the arrival clock to the arrival data. Double-clicking a node or path in the Locate History window displays the selected node or path in the Chip Planner.