Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Optimization

ID 683641
Date 10/04/2021

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4.1.4. Compilation Messages

If the reports show routing resource usage lower than 100% but the design does not fit, either routing resources are insufficient or the design contains invalid assignments. In either case, the Compiler generates a message in the Processing tab of the Messages window describing the problem.

If the Fitter finishes unsuccessfully and runs much faster than on similar designs, a resource might be over-utilized or there might be an illegal assignment.

If the Intel® Quartus® Prime software takes too long to run when compared to similar designs possibly the Compiler is not able to find valid placement or route. In the Compilation Report, look for errors and warnings that indicate these types of problems.

The Chip Planner can help you find areas of the device that have routing congestion for specific types of routing resources. If you find areas with very high congestion, analyze the cause of the congestion. Issues such as high fan-out nets not using global resources, an improperly chosen optimization goal (speed versus area), very restrictive floorplan assignments, or the coding style can cause routing congestion. After you identify the cause, modify the source or settings to reduce routing congestion.