Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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Document Table of Contents

1.10.1. Interface Requirements Tab Fields

The Platform Designer Interface Requirements tab contains the following fields.
Interface Requirements Tab Fields
Name Description
Current System Displays all the exported interfaces in the current Platform Designer system. Add or remove the interfaces in the Current System by adding or removing components from the System View tab.
Interface Requirements This table shows all the interface requirements set for the current Platform Designer system.
Parameter Differences This table lists the Parameter Name, Current System Value, and Interface Requirement Value for the selected mismatched interface.
Note: The Interface Requirements tab highlights in blue the signals and interfaces that are the same, but have different parameter values. Selecting a blue item populates the Parameter Differences table.
Import Interface Requirements This button allows you to populate the Interface Requirements table from an IP-XACT file representing a generic component or an entire Platform Designer system.

This table lists the signal and interface parameters for the selected interface.

You can view the table as Current Parameters when you select an interface or signal from the Current System table, and as Required Parameters when you select the signal or interface from Interface Requirements table.

You can modify the name of the exported signal or interface from this table. For more information about how to edit the name of an exported signal or interface, refer to Edit the Name of Exported Interfaces and Signals.

Platform Designer supports importing and exporting files in IP-XACT 2009 format and exporting IP-XACT files in 2014 format.