Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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3.3.6. Declaring SystemVerilog Interfaces in _hw.tcl

Platform Designer supports interfaces written in SystemVerilog.

The following example is _hw.tcl for a module with a SystemVerilog interface. The sample code is divided into parts 1 and 2.

Part 1 defines the normal array of parameters, Platform Designer interface, and ports

Example Part 1: Parameters, Platform Designer Interface, and Ports in _hw.tcl

# request TCL package from ACDS 23.1
package require -exact qsys 23.1
# module ram_ip_sv_ifc_hw
set_module_property DESCRIPTION ""
set_module_property NAME ram_ip_sv_ifc_hw
set_module_property VERSION 1.0
set_module_property INTERNAL false
set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
set_module_property AUTHOR ""
set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME ram_ip_hw_with_SV_d0
set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
set_module_property EDITABLE true
set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
set_module_property REPORT_HIERARCHY false

# Part 1 – Add parameter, platform designer interface and ports
# Adding parameter
add_parameter my_interface_parameter STRING "" "I am an interface parameter"

# Adding platform designer interface clk
add_interface clk clock end
set_interface_property clk clockRate 0
# Adding ports to clk interface
add_interface_port clk clk clk Input 1

# Adding platform designer interface reset
add_interface reset reset end
set_interface_property reset associatedClock clk
#Adding ports to reset interface
add_interface_port reset reset reset Input 1

# Adding platform designer interface avalon_slave
add_interface avalon_slave avalon end
set_interface_property avalon_slave addressUnits WORDS
set_interface_property avalon_slave associatedClock clk
set_interface_property avalon_slave associatedReset reset
# Adding ports to avalon_slave interface
add_interface_port avalon_slave address address Input 8
add_interface_port avalon_slave write write Input 1
add_interface_port avalon_slave readdata readdata Output 32
add_interface_port avalon_slave writedata writedata Input 32 

Part 2 defines the interface name, ports, and parameters of the SystemVerilog interface.

Example Part 2: SystemVerilog Interface Parameters in _hw.tcl

# Part 2 – Adding SV interface and its properties.
# Adding SV interface
add_sv_interface bus mem_ifc

set_sv_interface_property bus USE_ALL_PORTS True
# Setting the parameter property to add SV interface parameters
set_parameter_property my_interface_parameter SV_INTERFACE_PARAMETER bus
# Setting the port properties to add them to SV interface port
set_port_property clk SV_INTERFACE_PORT bus
set_port_property reset SV_INTERFACE_PORT bus

# Setting the port properties to add them as signals inside SV interface
set_port_property address SV_INTERFACE_SIGNAL bus
set_port_property write SV_INTERFACE_SIGNAL bus
set_port_property writedata SV_INTERFACE_SIGNAL bus
set_port_property readdata SV_INTERFACE_SIGNAL bus

#Adding the SV Interface File
#Adding ram_ip files
add_fileset synthesis_fileset QUARTUS_SYNTH
set_fileset_property synthesis_fileset TOP_LEVEL ram_ip
add_fileset_file SYSTEM_VERILOG PATH