Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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Document Table of Contents

8. Component Interface Tcl Reference

Tcl commands allow you to perform a wide range of functions in Platform Designer. Command descriptions contain the Platform Designer phases where you can use the command, for example, main program, elaboration, composition, or fileset callback. This reference denotes optional command arguments in brackets [ ].
Note: Intel® now refers to Qsys Pro as Platform Designer.

Platform Designer supports Avalon® , AMBA* 3 AXI (version 1.0), AMBA* 4 AXI (version 2.0), AMBA* 4 AXI-Lite (version 2.0), AMBA* 4 AXI-Stream (version 1.0), and AMBA* 3 APB (version 1.0) interface specifications.

For more information about procedures for creating IP component _hw.tcl files in the Platform Designer Component Editor, and supported interface standards, refer to Creating Platform Designer Components and Platform Designer Interconnect.

If you are developing an IP component to work with the Nios® II processor, refer to Publishing Component Information to Embedded Software in section 3 of the Nios® II Software Developer's Handbook, which describes how to publish hardware IP component information for embedded software tools, such as a C compiler and a Board Support Package (BSP) generator.