Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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Document Table of Contents Editing Pin Assignments for Presets

After you apply presets to IP, you can later view, edit, and remove those pin assignments for selected signals in the Exported Interfaces tab in Platform Designer. This action does not change the preset, but only changes the pin assignments of the exported system signals. To edit pin assignments for an existing IP preset, follow these steps:

Figure 50. Changing Preset Pin Location Assignments

  1. In Platform Designer, click View > Exported Interfaces. The Exported Interfaces tab displays the exported interfaces in the system.
  2. Under Exported Interfaces, select a specific exported signal. The Parameters field displays the signal and editable Pin assignment information. The interface Name and signal name match the exported_interface_name and exported_signal_name values in the preset .qprs file.
  3. To change the pin location or I/O standard for the signal, select a different Pin Location or IO Standard in the Pin field.
  4. To remove any pin constraint, right-click the signal interface name under Exported Interfaces, and then click Remove Current Pin Constraints.
    Figure 51. Remove Current Pin Constraints

  5. After design compilation, review the exported preset pin assignments in the Intel® Quartus® Prime software Pin Planner.
    Figure 52. Exported Interface Pins in Pin Planner After Design Compilation