Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 12/20/2023

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1.22. Comparing Platform Designer Systems and IP components

Platform Designer includes an integrated System Diff Tool that highlights the differences between two Platform Designer systems or IP components (.qsys or .ip files). You can use the System Diff Tool to quickly identify the differences between two versions of systems or IP components.

The Platform Designer System Diff Tool supports the following use cases:

  • Compare two versions of the same Platform Designer system (.qsys) on disk. View the modifications to the system.
  • Compare the currently open Platform Designer system (.qsys) with a system on disk. View the differences between the systems.
  • Compare a Platform Designer system (.qsys) file before and after a version upgrade. View the updated settings.
  • Compare a Platform Designer system (.qsys) file with different device settings. View the setting differences.
  • Compare a .ip component file before and after parameter changes. View the changes to any component interfaces.

The System Diff Tool uses color coding to highlight differences for any of following items added or removed in the system:

  • Exports
  • Modules
  • Interfaces
  • Ports
  • Connections
  • Parameters
  • Assignments
  • Properties